Users can contact each other by sending messages in private or group chat conversations. Learn more about creating and managing group chats in the Group chats article
How can I delete chat messages I sent?
Accidently sent a chat message that wasn’t meant for the recipient? It’s possible to delete your own chat messages up to 24 hours after posting. The way to achieve this is different for the mobile and the web app:
Delete chat messages in mobile app
Press and hold the chat message you want to delete.
Tap the garbage can that appears in the top bar to delete the message and replace it with This message is deleted.
Delete chat messages in Bundeling For Web
Click the three dots that appear when you hover over the message you want to delete.
Click Delete message to delete the message and replace it with This message is deleted.
How can I delete a private chat conversation in the inbox?
If you are in contact with a lot of users in the inbox, you may want to clean up your chat conversations by deleting some of them. You can delete private chat conversations in your (web) app by opening the chat settings in the conversation you want to delete:
Navigate to the Inbox in the (web) app.
Select the private chat conversation.
Open the chat settings in the top right corner.
Tap or click the garbage can to delete the chat conversation.
What does the eye icon in chat messages mean?
The eye icon shows whether your message has been read if a user shared their message read status. If the eye is displayed, then your contact or all the people in your group chat have read your message.
Can I see which users read a message in a group chat?
This is not possible. It is possible to see in the app which percentage of users read the message you posted in a group chat. When you post a message a percentage is displayed in the message, which increases when more people read your message.
Are chats in the Bundeling app secured properly?
The chats are completely securely encrypted. Only the end user is able to read their own messages. The privacy rights are in force according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information read our privacy policy.
How can users connect with each other?
Users can connect with each other by sending each other a connection request. This extra option is very useful if you as a user would like to receive more specific information from users. For example, after you have made a connection, you will receive attendance notifications when your connection signs up for an event. They will also be at the top of the list of attendees for events. You will also receive a notification when it is, for example, the user's birthday.