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Use labels to restrict visibility and share content with a select group of users

Updated over 12 months ago

Labels explained

What are labels and how can we use them?

With our label functionality you can share all information with the right group of people. You can attach labels to one user or to a group of people. It’s also possible to attach labels to an organisation, department or company profile. By attaching a label to a department or company profile, all users that are linked to that profile inherit the label.

Labels you create are only visible in the manager Dashboard. If you want to share a news item with a select group, you can attach a label to that news item, so only these users will receive the message. Very useful to be able to share the necessary knowledge or information within your organisation to the right people.

Are labels visible for all users?

No, labels are not visible for app users. Labels are only visible in the Dashboard.

How do I restrict the visibility of an item by adding labels?

If you want to share an item, such as a news item, with a select group of users, you can do so by attaching a label to the news item in the Labels field. Leaving the Labels field empty for an item, makes it visible for all users.

How can I combine labels?

To keep the amount of labels in your platform manageable, it may be useful to combine labels when creating content items, such as news items or activities. This way you can target only the users with all of these labels, without having to create new labels and lose track of your label management.

You can add combined labels to content items to restrict visibility of the item and only share it with the select group of users that have all labels. Select a single label to target all users with this label. Create a combined label to target all users with all labels in the combined label.

Managing labels

How do I create a new label?

Labels can be created in the Dashboard. In all items where the labels field is available, a new label can be created. When adding or editing, for example, a user or news item, you can immediately create new labels:

  • Navigate to a Labels field in the Dashboard: for example, by adding a new news item.

  • Click the Labels field.

  • Enter the name of the label you want to create.

  • Select the new label in the dropdown.

  • The new label will be created when you Save the page or item you are editing.

The new label can now be used in all items where the labels field is available.

How do I create a combined label?

Combined labels can be added in the Dashboard to content items, such as news items or activities. In all items where combined labels are supported, a combined label can be added. When adding or editing, for example, a news item, you can attach a combined label based on the labels in your platform:

  • Navigate to a Labels field for a content item in the Dashboard: for example, by adding a new news item.

  • Click the Labels field.

  • Enter the name of a label you want to include in the combined label.

  • Select the label in the dropdown.

  • Hover over the label you want to combine with another label.

  • Click the + icon.

  • Select the label in the dropdown to add it to the combined label.

  • The combined label is created and recognisable by the grey box and the & icon that combines the labels.

Combined labels exist of two or more labels. If you want to continue adding labels to the combined label, you can do so by selecting the combined label or by clicking the + icon in the combined label. If you want to add another label outside of the combined label, you can deselect the combined label by clicking anywhere in the white area of the Labels field.

Combined labels are only saved for the item they are attached to and can be created again when adding a new item.

Can I rename a label?

Yes, you can rename labels after you created it. Renaming a label changes the name of the label in all items the label is attached to.

  • Navigate to a Labels field in the Dashboard.

  • Add the label you want to edit.

  • Rename the label by double clicking it.

  • Edit the Label name.

  • Click Save to save changes.

How do I permanently delete a label?

You can permanently delete labels in one go from all items the label is attached to. Make sure you want to delete the label: if a label is attached to an item, deleting the label can make the item visible again.

  • Navigate to a Labels field in the Dashboard.

  • Select the Labels field to make a dropdown appear with an overview of all available labels.

  • Click Delete in the dropdown next to the label you want to delete.

  • Are you sure you want to permanently delete the label?

  • Click OK to permanently delete the label from all items in the Dashboard.

Adding labels to users

How do I attach labels to multiple users in one go?

When you add or edit a user profile in the users overview it’s possible to attach a label to a user profile. If you need to add a label to multiple users in one go, you can use our label functionality in the users overview:

  • Navigate to the Users overview in the Dashboard.

  • Check the boxes of the users you want to attach the label to.

  • Click the label button at the bottom of the page.

  • Add the label in Add labels.

  • Click Edit to save changes and attach the label to the users you selected.

How do I detach labels from user profiles?

When you add or edit a user profile in the users overview it’s possible to manage the labels that are attached to a user profile. If you need to detach a label from multiple users in one go, you can use our label functionality in the users overview:

  • Navigate to the Users overview in the Dashboard.

  • Check the boxes of the users you want to detach the label from.

  • Click the label button at the bottom of the page.

  • To delete labels, click the cross in Delete labels.

  • Click Edit to save changes and detach the label from the users you selected.

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